GDPR and Your IT

Protecting your data is vital. It is one of the most valuable resources you have and therefore the consequences of not keeping it safe could be disastrous.

Vantage IT provides the assistance you need to help you find out where your data is and that it is securely controlled.

We will assist with the following:

  • Help you understand where data is stored so it can be tracked, protected and erased, if required.
  • Ensure your IT networks are protected from external intrusion and malicious software. This is done with firewalls, anti-malware software and good security protocols.
  • Implement data encryption for devices across a network.
  • Offer advice to users about protection of data and avoiding phishing emails. As a result, the chances of suffering a data breach are reduced.


Need More Information on GDPR?

Work will be required to ensure you comply with the new legislation. Consequently, processes will need to be put in place and your systems will have to be checked for conformity.

More information about the forthcoming GDPR legislation can be found here.

For support with your GDPR IT requirements, please contact us. In addition, we are also happy to provide a free IT audit to enable you to understand the current situation for all your IT.