Have you considered the impact of an unreliable or slow broadband connection to your organisation?
How long could you last without your internet connection?
Reliable internet connections are now an essential tool for any organisation. Unreliable internet will give you considerable downtime for your emails, internet browsing, remote access, Voice over IP (VoIP) telephone system, cloud CRM access, cloud applications and cloud backups. It will mean slow performance or no performance for all your users.
You may not be aware that the typical ADSL and Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) broadband connections which are popular with most home users and some businesses actually have some critical flaws. For that reason these types of connection may not be suitable for you.
One of our major concerns with ADSL and FTTC is that there is no Service Level Agreement (SLA) from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) when the internet connection goes down. For example, you might potentially need to wait two or more weeks until the ISP fixes the line. For most organisations, they cannot consider being without such an important resource for this period of time.
If reliability and performance is critical to your organisation, then you will need to consider the benefits of a leased line from Vantage IT as it comes with a comprehensive SLA, guaranteeing a response from an engineer within four hours, coupled with 24/7 support.
With this in mind, we have compiled a list of key benefits of a leased line compared with most of the conventional types of broadband. These include:
✓ Comprehensive SLA for reliability and speed
✓ Uncontended bandwidth
✓ Asynchronous Upload and Download speeds
✓ Active Line Monitoring
✓ Upgrade Paths
Many of our customers are now enjoying the above benefits and would not go back to a conventional broadband account. Vantage IT can offer leased lines at very competitive rates. Please contact us today to find out more about leased lines.