Anyone who has suffered with back pain will tell you how badly it has affected them.
Vantage IT has always been an advocate of the importance of good posture, particularly for workers that spend lengthy periods of time in front of a computer. Sitting in the correct position and arranging your working environment appropriately can help avoid injury.
With this in mind, we have provided details from a helpful guide courtesy of the NHS and added a couple of our own tips.
Your chair height should be set so that you can use the keyboard with your wrists and forearms straight and level with the floor. This can help to prevent repetitive strain injuries. Your elbows should be by the side of your body, so that the arm forms an L-shape at the elbow joint.
We hope you find these tips helpful. If you require information concerning the IT equipment available (such as height adjustable displays) please contact us.
More details about back pain and its causes can be found on the NHS website.
Please note that all posture related concerns should be referred to a medical professional. Our guide is for general reference only and does not represent medical advice.